According to US Fish and Wildlife studies about one billion of those deaths occur from birds running into buildings, cell towers, wind turbines and other manmade structures, and globally the number is much higher.
Birds cause a huge amount of damage to human infrastructure - vineyards, airplanes, bait fish farms, ports - they get into everything. The birds cannot help it, they are just being birds. And being birds they also habituate - or get used to - most deterrent methods, whether it is the venerable scarecrow or sonic cannons.
Uses for Sonic NetsApplications |
Midstream Technology - in collaboration with the College of William and Mary - is continuing the research and commercialization of new acoustic technology to help reduce the stress and mortality to animals and birds by human activity and structures, and reduce the damage caused by animals and birds in agriculture, aquaculture, airports, marinas and other settings.
Sonic Nets projects unique sounds that are no louder than a bird normally talks that make it hard for the birds to understand each other. Sonic Nets is also designed to use parametric speakers (an array of very small speakers) to "shape" the sound so no one else hears it - only the birds or animals you are targeting |
Can target a specific bird or animal species. |
Entering a sonic net will cause a bird to look up, reducing the odds of a potentially fatal impact. |
Birds roosting, feeding, or just loitering in the protected area will soon leave. The Sonic Net denies groups of birds the ability to communicate about food sources and predators. Without this, they will feel less comfortable and choose to go somewhere else to "talk." |